Ice Rink Trimmer
France, Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Switzerland and Luxembourg
Patrice Leveque
1323 N Parsons Av. 33510 BRANDON (FL) USA
+1 (786) 593 3454
Frank David – f.david@kavik.eu
1111 Rue Pablo PICASSO PA de la Chênaie
62320 ROUVROY France
Phone: +33 (0)3 21 21 41 41
Fax: +33 (0)3 91 840 441
Gsm: +33 (0) 6 09 75 50 73
The solution
Operation of the Ice Rink Trimmer is relatively simple. Water is heated by a small water tank and pushed out by a pressurized tank. The secret lies in balancing heat and pressure just right, avoiding the unnecessary accumulation of water.
Contact us for a demo of the machine
Innovation and resourcefulness have helped to curb painful bursitis and repeated sick leave. Today, ice cutting is done with an ecological, safe and efficient tool : The Ice Rink Trimmer for ice rink strips.